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General Preferences

"Autocomplete" known addresses & shortcuts: If checked, you can start to type a Web site’s address and a drop-down list will appear containing all the addresses starting with those letters that BumperCar finds in your bookmarks and history. Clicking an address in the list (or using the up and down arrow keys to select it) brings it into the address field at the top; press the Return key to go to that site.

Close the drawer after choosing an address: When you double-click an entry in the Bookmarks or History drawers, the selected address will open in the window to which the drawer is attached. If this box is checked, the drawer close once you choose the address.

Show personal bookmarks: Allows you to control where your personal bookmarks file is displayed:

You can also choose which side of the browser window the bookmarks drawer appears on.

Speech Recognition: Turning on Speech Recognition in BumperCar allows you to navigate the Web using spoken commands. A recognizer tool will appear to give you feedback.

In order to use this feature, your computer must have a microphone set up as the primary sound input. You also need to turn on Speakable Items in the Speech pane of System Preferences. That pane also allows you to set the sound input channel and contains helpful tips and tests for getting your computer set up to listen to you.

BumperCar's speech recognition feature allows you to speak menu or toolbar commands, such as "Reload This Page", but also the text of links in order to follow those links. In a page where images may be links, speak the command "Toggle Link Labels" in order to see tooltips with the text BumperCar needs to hear in order to recognize those links. Additional commands may be obtained by turning on Speakable Items in the Speech pane of System Preferences. They include "Page Up" and "Page Down," as well as "Make New Item" (to open a new browser window), "Close This Window," and "Quit This Application."